Amnesty International Supports the Exploitation of Women

Amnesty International is a charity that ostensibly works to end violations of human rights.

Yet this leaked document indicates that Amnesty actively supports the full decriminalization of prostitution.

This policy flies in the face of extensive research indicating that areas where prostitution has been fully legalized have led to more violence and an increase in trafficking.

For example, after legalization in Australia, the percentage of illegal brothels increased 300%. In New Zealand, legalization expanded the illegal sector to make up 80% of the sex trade industry. In Germany, the safety of women within the sex industry was not improved through full legalization. Furthermore, both human trafficking and organized crime increase in areas where prostitution is decriminalized.

Amnesty has chosen to ignore all of this information and instead decided that the rights of johns and pimps who wish to exploit and use women are more important than the human rights of women to live free from this exploitation.

Amnesty could instead support the Nordic Model which decriminalizes women in prostitution but criminalizes the johns and pimps. This has been shown to decrease violence against prostituted women, dramatically decrease the number of prostituted persons, and to provide a way out of prostitution for those who wish to leave.

You can contact Amnesty and express your displeasure with their new policy at, or you can tweet @Amnesty or use the hashtag #QuestionsforAmnesty.

Please speak now. Your voice is needed on this issue.

EDIT: Please go check out this response to this document written by a coalition of survivors.

About smash
Women's liberationist.

2 Responses to Amnesty International Supports the Exploitation of Women

  1. Hecuba says:

    Amnesty International has always been a mens’ right organisation because Amnesty International has always believed man (sic) is the default human being whereas women have always been non-existent in Amnesty’s opinion.

    Amnesty now openly promotes mens’ pimp industry because male pseudo sex right to females of all ages is supposedly ‘a male right!’

    I cancelled my membership of Amnesty years ago when I discovered their male supremacist politics which are masked under claims ‘human rights.’ But ‘human rights’ means mens’ rights.

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